Thursday 8 May 2014

How to Develop A Deep Trust in Life

Life is pure positive energy and the reality that it creates is a reflection of this energy. When you look around at nature per se, you will notice a deep sense of peace, joy and love reflecting from it. Everything that has “no mind” is a perfect reflection of the natural vibration of life. The “mind” has a proclivity towards negativity because it’s based in “survival” mode of thinking. So unless the mind becomes awakened to the truth of the true nature of life, it will continue moving in fear. To develop a deep trust in life one has to understand the truth of what life really is as a vibration and as a reality.
Mind can think positive or negative, but life remains positive – The energy of life is pure positive and it has no choice in that matter. Life can never be negative and it will never join you in a negative thought. The reason you feel “bad” when you think negative is because life energy is not supporting you in that thought. Well-being is the dominant intent in life because well-being is based in positive vibration. Whenever you think a positive thought, you will feel good because life energy is supporting you in that thought.
When you trust in life, you stop resisting well-being – You will notice around you that people who have a deep trust in the goodness of life are the ones who are living benevolent realities, while people who are constantly complaining about life are always attracting negative circumstances around them. Some people are inherently trusting while some need to develop a trust based on “understanding” life. No matter what your life situation is right now, you can start moving towards well-being as soon as you trust the goodness of life.
Negative thinking is simply a habit – It’s true that the mind becomes inclined towards fearful thinking because it’s inherently a “survival” machine. But you are not the mind, so you have the choice to align yourself with the fear based movement of the mind or the love based movement of life. When you are unconscious of this choice, it’s quite normal to get pulled in by the negativity of the mind and fuel it with your interest. With time you realize that your interest in negativity is causing you to attract a highly negative reality around you. Usually when you hit such a plateau you are ready to wake up and realize the choice you have – you realize that you can let go of the negative thinking of the mind and choose to align yourself with the goodness of life.
Life is always moving towards your well-being – Every time a positive desire arises from you it becomes aligned with the energy of life, and it starts attracting a reality onto itself. So, in essence, positive desires create the movement of life force. By positive desires I simply mean desires that arise from a natural place of wanting “betterment” or expansion, rather than from a place of hate. Life is always expanding and is in alignment with every desire that comes from a place of wanting expansion. So when I say life is a stream of well-being, it’s a very scientific statement that I make. Allow yourself to relax and trust the flow of life, know that if you don’t resist it with your negative thinking, life will always be good for you and will be a continuous movement of betterment.

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