Sunday 25 September 2016

You don’t marry to make yourself happy, you marry to make someone else happy.
No, a true marriage (and true love) is never about you. It’s about the person you love—their wants, their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. Selfishness demands, “What’s in it for me?”, while Love asks, “What can I give?”
I want you to know that marriage isn’t for you. No true relationship of love is for you. Love is about the person you love.
And, paradoxically, the more you truly love that person, the more love you receive
How can people be with their pain?
Only if they sense some compassion from somebody
Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul
the purpose of life is to create meaningful connections with others. 

Emerson said that the happiest person on earth is the one who learns from nature the lessons of worship. So go outside a lot, and look up

 radical self-care is quantum, and radiates out into the atmosphere, like a little fresh air. It is a huge gift to the world. When people respond by saying, “Well, isn’t she full of herself,” smile obliquely, like Mona Lisa, and make both of you a nice cup of tea.

 Exercise: If you want to have a good life after you have grown a little less young, you must walk almost every day. There is no way around this. If you are in a wheelchair, you must do chair exercises. Every single doctor on earth will tell you this, so don’t go by what I say.

Sunday 11 September 2016

what is important in life?

Most people confused are stress good or bad. Actually stress is not all bad. When stress is handled effectively it provides the motivation which encourages people to overcome the obstacles which separates people from them goals and hopes. Stress can be helpful and pleasurable because stress can make people progress faster. Some stress is necessary because sometimes without stress people most likely slack off and waste times. Stress can help keeps as mentally alert and stable. Stress also can lead to satisfaction of accomplishment.

Life is the ability and time we have to interact with, and experience the world”. 

“Health is life. Care for it as you would care for your newborn child.”

Poor health will both reduce the time you have in this world and your capability to live the life you want to live. Therefore, if we want to live for a long time with a mind and body that can take us where we want, we must take care of our health.

How we view ourselves is the foundation on which our life is built.”

What’s important in life?

In my opinion spending time in a way that makes us and others feel good without causing harm is the answer to this question.

Think about how good we could make ourselves feel.
Think about how good we could make others feel.
And think about how well we could treat out planet!

Call me crazy but I think life is simple. Although it’s definitely true that things in our lives can be very hard to deal with sometimes, life in itself isn’t difficult.
Life is simply the time we’re given to interact with this beautiful world.
Spending this time wisely is of great importance. After all, the fact that we’re alive is a miracle, about one in 10^2,685,000, and we all know we’re going to run out of time sooner rather than later (more likely later if you take care of your health).

 If you will invest the time to remove nonessential possessions from your life, you will never regret it. 

3. Make the most of a bad job. If you find yourself in a less-than-ideal work situation, don’t waste the experience; many experts learned invaluable lessons from bad jobs.

4. Emotional intelligence trumps every other kind.Develop your interpersonal skills if you want to succeed in the workplace. Even people in the most technical professions have their careers torpedoed if they lack emotional intelligence

When you act on your passion, you will truly thrive.

Some humans will run towards what scares them. Those are the ones who are strong. Those are the ones who will learn and become wise as they progress along their paths. Your Words – Use fewer words. Keep your speech plain and honest. Mean what you say. Avoid gossip.

The one thing that underpinis all areas in your life is...
How you feel about yourself.
“Life is not just about feeling good. Life is about being good at feeling.”

Learning and growing teaches how that we are smart and capable and enhances our confidence.

So begin today — find your fears, eradicate them and feel good about yourself. Then focus on helping others feel good about themselves.

Most people confused are stress good or bad. Actually stress is not all bad. When stress is handled effectively it provides the motivation which encourages people to overcome the obstacles which separates people from them goals and hopes. Stress can be helpful and pleasurable because stress can make people progress faster. Some stress is necessary because sometimes without stress people most likely slack off and waste times. Stress can help keeps as mentally alert and stable. Stress also can lead to satisfaction of accomplishment.

This does not require a policy response. It requires something much bigger: the reappraisal of an entire worldview. Of all the fantasies human beings entertain, the idea that we can go it alone is the most absurd and perhaps the most dangerous. We stand together or we fall apart.
Cơ thể con người có khả năng thích nghi. Khi bạn tập luyện, cơ thể sẽ mỏi và đau đớn tạm thời. Nhưng nó sẽ hồi phục, và trở nên khoẻ hơn, nhanh hơn. Khi bạn không tập luyện, cơ thể bạn cũng thích nghi, trở nên lười biếng và yếu đuối hơn. Mọi người tập thể thao đều nhận thấy cơ thể biến đổi như thế nào. Những người đang tập mà dừng tập cũng nhận ra sự biến đổi như vậy – theo chiều ngược lại.

Friday 9 September 2016

Đối với những vị trí cao như quản lý dự án, điều phối viên thì yếu tố kinh nghiệm là hết sức cần thiết, nó sẽ được thể hiện qua các vòng phỏng vấn khi tuyển dụng cho các vị trí này.
Ngoài ra, nhà tuyển dụng cũng xét đến các phẩm chất và các kỹ năng khác như: kỹ năng xây dựng, thực hiện, giám sát dự án, kỹ năng làm việc cộng đồng và làm việc với cơ quan đối tác, kỹ năng giao tiếp, khả năng làm việc tập thể và năng lực làm việc độc lập... Lòng nhiệt tình, thái độ chuẩn mực và tinh thần học hỏi.

Thường là ứng cử viên phải thành thạo cả 4 kỹ năng: nghe, nói, đọc, viết vì có thể phải lập dự án, thuyết trình và bảo vệ những ý kiến của mình trước người nước ngoài ngay từ vòng tuyển dụng.

nếu không thật sự giỏi và tích góp dc chuyên môn thì về sau sẽ khó trụ vì các em sau này ngày càng giỏi. Nói chung về tính lâu dài hơi bấp bênh

Cái còn lại của mỗi chúng ta là đi tìm "Bản mô tả bản thân", "Các yêu cầu từng giai đoạn của cuộc đời", và "mục đích, đam mê mà ta theo đuổi", sau đó match nó lại rồi từ đó ta xây dựng kế hoạch để thực hiện. Công ty, hay tổ chức, môi trường này, môi trường kia chỉ là phương tiện. Việc còn lại là do ta chọn phương tiện nào cho phù hợp với từng thời điểm của chúng ta, và nằm trong 1 lộ trình mà ta muốn đạt được mục đích của cuộc đời mình. 

Tổ chức phát triển (development) là các tổ chức cung cấp cho cộng đồng công cụ, giải pháp, kỹ năng để TỰ TỒN TẠI và phát triển.

Saturday 3 September 2016

tôi không nhớ nhung thứ đồ gì mà tôi đã vứt bỏ, tôi còn không hề muốn dành tiền mua những đồ tương tự. Giờ đây chỉ còn trải nghiệm cuộc sống và những mối quan hệ mới thực sự là những gì tôi cần.

bạn nên chọn “chất” thay vì “lượng”. Bạn bè chính là những người có sức ảnh hưởng lớn tới đời sống tinh thần của bạn. Vì vậy nên thật sự cẩn thận khi chọn bạn mà chơi, nếu không muốn cả thế giới biết bí mật của bạn.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Loneliness is painful. Without a doubt, this was the most frequently mentioned experience of loneliness. Words that have been used to describe this type of pain include, hurt, sorrow, ache, sadness, depression, torn up, bleeding, and broken. Clearly the pain is one in which the lonely individual feels damaged, as though someone their spirit was crushed.
 People help us to figure out what talents we have, we our good points and our bad points are. In other words, people help us maintain a sense of identity. When we are lonely, and no one is around to give us support, we can begin to lose our sense of identity, no one is there to point out our mistakes, to give us a different point of view, to praise us when we do a good job. We can become encircled in our own delusions and thinking without the benefit of others to break us out of the vicious cycle. It is no wonder then that lonely individuals report this feeling of being lost and confused, it's because there is no one out there to maintain our sense of identity, our sense of self.
When we break up with someone we didn't want to break up with, or we are missing someone we love dearly, we often describe that we feel a hole in our heart, an emptiness somewhere in the space of our chest. What is this emptiness that we feel? This emptiness is a hunger for others, for others to be close to us, for others to love us. When we are hungry for food, our stomach growls, we get an empty feeling in the pits of our stomachs, we can't stop thinking about food, and sometimes it even hurts. In much the same way, loneliness is a hunger for others, a psychological need that must be satisfied. Aristotle called us social animals, in that we need other people. When people are isolated, abandoned on a deserted island for example, they make pseudo friends, in the case of Robinson Crusoe he made friends of the animals there, and in the case of Castaway, he made a friend out of a football. The need for people is a very real need, and therefore when it is not satisfied, the feelings of hunger, of nothingness, of a void is bound to occur as well.
he first reason is that the person is in an inescapable situation that is by its very natural isolating. For example, a person whose job requires constant moving from place to place, will probably not find the time to make secure friendships and may experience loneliness. A second reason is that a person grew up in a rejecting and/or abuse environment. In such cases, I believe, that individuals develop certain mechanisms to help cope with loneliness. These mechanisms usually involve put up personal blocks that protect one from getting hurt by others by maintain a safe distance between all people. These individuals learn not to trust anyone lest they get hurt. Because they have developed these mechanisms, when they are older, they treat new individuals and new circumstances in much the same manner. They construct their social worlds to be one that is very isolating and lonely, but also very protected from feelings of hurt. 
In some cases, loneliness can be overwhelming, so overwhelming in fact that lonely individuals feel like they are about to burst! There is a feeling of despair, not knowing how much more of this painful loneliness one can take, feeling as if one is going to break apart at any minute. How agonizing this must be! It's like blowing up a balloon past its normal capacity. Lonely individuals may feel this way because very often one is experiencing a wide variety of emotions and experiences, and yet there is no one to talk to, no one to share it with. Imagine having a problem with no one to discuss it with. Imagine making the greatest discovery of a lifetime, and yet there is no one there to share it with. These feelings may just be pushed down inside our minds, pushed into a bottle as it were. But there is only so much the bottle can hold, there is only so much our minds can handle. If we don't tell others, if we don't share, if we don't let it out somehow, we may indeed burst. This is why I feel that loneliness can be one of the most creative times in our lives. It's because without the avenue of talking or sharing, we are left mechanisms that are solitary. Such avenues include things like writing poetry, artwork or even writing in a diary. These things may help to subside some of our overwhelming feelings. No wonder therefore that I was able to find 180 loneliness poems on the Internet. At these times we can take the wonderful gift of art and communicate our feelings in ways more vivid than ordinary conversations.

Cold, frozen, void of true emotions. These are some of the descriptions that have been associated with feelings of loneliness as well. It is almost as if we have shut down our emotion center and perhaps may be we have. I have already discussed the fact that loneliness can be very painful, overwhelming, resulting from rejection and/or abuse. At some point in time, we may decide not to feel anymore, we may become so overburdened with all the pain, the hurt, the sorrow, the loss of control that we shut our emotion center down. We don't want to feel anymore. In these instances, lonely individuals put themselves in cold, frozen places where they don't have to feel anything.
A social animal that feels itself to be isolated from its kind begins to behave nervously and experiences unhealthy physiological responses.
the lonelier you are, the more your attention is drawn toward negative social information
Lonely people seemed inadvertently hypervigilant to social threats. Rather poignantly, such thinking itself most likely makes the loneliness worse, he says, by nudging the lonely to ‘‘unknowingly act in a more defensive, hostile way toward the others with whom they would like to connect.’’
People who feel lonely tend to experience more nighttime sleep disruptions than those who don't

How do we contribute to our own sense of loneliness?

Loneliness is a passive state. That is, it is maintained by our passively letting it continue and doing nothing to change it. We hope it will go away, eventually, and we do nothing but let it envelop us. Strangely, there are times when we might even embrace the feeling. Yet, embracing loneliness and sinking down into the feelings associated with it usually leads to a sense of depression and helplessness, which, in turn, leads to an even more passive state and more depression.

Be friends with life. Remember that the world is not out to get you and it does not punish you. You do that to yourself. Learning to focus on other opportunities or in another direction can give you some perspective.

Deal with your fears. Overcoming fear makes you stronger, and being a little scared can make you better. You want to have butterflies; you just want them flying in formation. It helps to understand and admit your fears. Then you can kick them to the curb.

Feel good about yourself, no matter what life brings. Know that each time you wake up, you have another chance to make things better. Don't waste it.

Make it a point that you allocate a certain amount of time each day for yourself to do things you love. Paying attention to yourself has been proven to improve self-esteem and feelings of self worth.

each tries to fill the void that comes with being deprived of meaningful connection.

how do people form and maintain meaningful connections? An effective remedy is to communicate affection. When we kiss, hug, hold hands, and tell people that we love them we strengthen the bonds that are essential for our social needs.

It is no surprise that loneliness feels bad and affection feels good. Close, positive relationships ward off feeling lonely. By sharing affection, we help ourselves and to whom we are close to live healthier, more satisfying lives."

Unless you've experienced it — unless you know what true, deep, painful loneliness is like — you don't get it.

It's not something you know until you've experienced it, and it's hard to describe. But it actually hurts to be lonely. It's an ache in your chest, a heaviness that you can't shake, a longing that only the touch of another person can soothe.

5. Focus on the needs and feelings of others, the less attention on your lonely thoughts and feelings. I can walk down the street thinking about myself, my loneliness and the hopelessness of it all, staring at the sidewalk and sighing to myself. Or I can walk down the street grateful for the diversity of people I get to share the 
sidewalk with, silently wishing them good health and good fortune, and smiling at each person I meet. The latter is more fun, even though I sometimes have to remind myself to do it on purpose.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

It's not important who has a big car or who is slimmer than you, what matters is how you as an individual are growing everyday - break your own record each day. That is all that matters, trying to be someone else can never be the aim of your life because it'll do you no good even if you manage to achieve it

Try adventures that you can later flaunt about even 'trying'. You've got to learn something each day of your life, life is not easy but taking the easy way out does not teach you anything.  Living the hard way is the way to live.

If life were that easy, would it be worth living? No. It's a curveball that life throws at you in phases; sometimes it's good, sometime's it's bad but the good part is, they are always alternate, that is, good comes after bad or bad comes after good. Whenever you feel sorry for yourself, a minute is added to the time before the good side of the curveball comes to you. So, take something out of your bad phase - take some strength, realise the importance of feeling content and SMILE.

You can't be happy always in life, nobody is. It's okay to have a bad day or a bad phase but it's not okay to hide your feelings inside. Shed some tears - howl if you want to - it's healthy. Take out all the sadness from your system and wait for good things to happen soon. Remember the curveball?

Nobody else has the power to take over your life, only you do. If you go on blaming others for all your troubles, that just means you're running away from your own responsibilities and that will always keep you one step away from taking charge of your own life because IT'S YOURS.

Your loved ones don't need an explanation, they need you to be YOU and do whatever comes to your mind because they know your every move.

It's okay to fall in love, in fact it's the best thing in the world, but losing yourself in the process is not cool and you won't ever be able to forgive yourself for that. You have needs and you may have a passion too - never give those up just because you have other priorities now. It's good to care for other people but do not forget that you're special too and nobody can take care of that more than you yourself.

You're at a place at a point for a reason. Be thankful to God that you have the kind of life you do because look around and you'll know many people don't even have that. If you have 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 ears, a nose and a mouth - just know you're blessed. Cherish whatever you have today, at this point, instead of missing what you don't have because you never had it, then how can you miss it?

It's not the easiest path you choose and you are definitely not the only person who's facing issues in life. But only those people who do not turn their backs to their problems and take up the risk of walking on that path, are the ones who are successful because this is exactly that defines their personality in the future. And therefore, it's worth the time, effort AND the risk.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is difficult but all great opportunities need you to do just that. So, be prepared even if you have to really push yourself - push yourself hard and get ready to face great, grand challenges in life.

Neuroscience provides a deeper understanding of how brain processes generate needs for relatedness, autonomy, and competence that can be satisfied by the successful pursuit of love, work, and play. Such satisfaction yields happiness, but even the pursuit is enough to give life meaning.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Men tend to focus on attaining a group of acquaintances to combat loneliness, while women tend to focus on one-on-one relationships.

  • Creating: Writing, drawing, painting (though I’m not good at it), playing music (though I’m not especially good at that, either). For others, it might be inventing something, building a business, coming up with a clever marketing campaign, forming a non-profit.
  • Relating: It’s not “family” that makes life worth living, I think, but the relationships we create with members of our family, and the way we maintain and build those relationships. Same goes for friends, lovers, business partners, students, and everyone else.
  • Helping: Being able to lend a hand to people in need – however drastic or trivial that need may be – strikes me as an important part of life.
  • Realizing: Making, working towards, and  achieving goals, no matter what those goals are.
  • Playing: Maybe this is a kind of “relating”, but then, play can be a solo affair as well. Letting go of restraints, imagining new possibilities, testing yourself against others or against yourself, finding humor and joy.
  • Growing: Learning new things, improving my knowledge and ability in the things I’ve already learned.

This habit opens up your brains to understanding and processing information easier and quicker. Not only that but it also forces your brain to challenge the status quo as you read from one publication to another that carry opposing views. Bill Gates is an avid reader and great promoter of reading

6. They watch documentaries on things that have shaped the world

The best thing about this one is, there is no need to read or have a pen and paper out in front of you. You just need to sit back and give your 100% concentration. These documentaries are very informative and provide in depth logic of things. They have scholars and experts in the fields who discuss certain topics.

They work on their self-development

None of this would matter if you had no interest to develop yourself. Smart people care to get to the next level in their own personal lives; they eat better, work out, work smart and educate themselves.

Clear your desk. It clears your brain. It helps you think and opens the creative channels. Now you’re buzzing. And you have a nice clean desk.

people with more extreme personality traits – who are more prone to being super anxious, extreme and intense – were shown to be more attractive than a typical, less extreme person.

The reason people are instinctually more attracted to people who take extreme risks and are impulsive is because they are thought to be intriguing and fascinating.

“While they are selfish, rule-breaking, imprudent and rebellious, they are also brave, temerarious, independent and self-reliant – and they live frantic, galvanizing lives,” he says. This could send off “a signal that the subject has such good genetic quality and condition as to live dangerously without suffering harm,” he continues.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

6. They Live in the Moment. Being truly in the moment allows us to escape from adversity and conserve our inner energy. Living in the moment doesn’t mean we don’t care about the past or future. It means that when we make a choice to do something, we focus on solely doing it, rather than letting our mind wander into the future (or the past).

Resilient people are at peace with their humanity. Perhaps it is because their mistakes along the way have humbled them, or life experiences have helped them accept their own vulnerability, 

Có, tôi luôn tin vào định mệnh. Nó cho tôi sức mạnh mỗi khi gặp khó khăn, tôi vẫn thường tự nhủ: Định mệnh của tôi là phải vậy, tôi phải trải qua thử thách này, nếu tôi vượt qua nó tôi sẽ nhận được phần thưởng xứng đáng. 

Cuộc sống ở phương Tây vất vả hơn ở Việt Nam nhiều, nhất là khi có con nhỏ. Tuy nhiên người phương Tây có thói quen tự lập nên họ không thấy đó là khó khăn. Bởi sinh ra và lớn lên ở Việt Nam nên tôi có điều kiện so sánh khi sống ở phương Tây. Mọi dịch vụ, nhân công ở đây đều đắt đỏ nên người ta phải tự làm hết, ngoài giờ làm việc họ tự rửa xe, tự cắt cỏ, tự sơn phết nhà cửa. Tôi sinh con ở Thụy Sỹ nên không có ai bên cạnh, mọi việc cũng phải tự làm hết, mổ đẻ xong về nhà là tự nấu ăn, dọn dẹp vệ sinh, giặt giũ, chăm con. Nói chung không có nhiều sự giúp đỡ và dịch vụ sẵn có như ở Việt Nam. 

You’d much rather fail at doing things your way than succeed while being a people-pleaser.

1. You don’t yell or become easily angry.

Even in the harshest stress factors, you choose to stay calm and you try to handle situations smoothly. You feel that by raising your voice, you’re lowering yourself.

You apologize when necessary.

You know well when you’ve made a mistake and you apologize, not worrying about losing face. You are aware that by apologizing, you’ll be the bigger person.

It’s not as if you get bored easily but staying put gives you no exposure nor do you learn. You move outside that comfort zone to experience change and fun along with it.

22. You do not blame circumstances on extrinsic things.

You take everything into consideration and you know that blaming something that’s beyond your control is useless and silly.

23. You use your time wisely.

Going around wasting your time is a big “NO” for you. So you choose to spend that time productively so that others along with you can benefit.

17. You know that persistence pays off.
You have a strong will power which doesn’t let you give up on things you really want. You keep persisting until you know success is at your doorstep.

18. You find ways around any obstacle.

You keep trying and you don’t stop until you’ve achieved that target. Giving up just isn’t your thing, but looking for alternatives is.

You refrain from expectations on others.

You don’t expect anything in return when you go the extra mile for someone. You have always been selfless.

You don’t limit your thoughts to just superficial matters

You don’t just see things as they are. You look deep into matters and you read into things before drawing a conclusion.

You are open to feedback.
You are not afraid to voice your opinion; neither are you afraid to take other’s opinions or feedback, whether they’re negative or positive. You rather welcome it so you can learn.

“An evolved man wants a woman who won’t change to be with him, who mostly doesn’t give two sheets what other people think about her, including even him.”

She isn’t arrogant; she just knows who she is and doesn’t need to prove that she has the right to live however she desires.

An evolved man longs to see his woman radiant and genuinely happy. If she isn’t thrilled about her everyday life, he won’t be, either. Not because she’s responsible for his feelings (she’s not), but because the second best gift she could ever give him is her own authentic happiness