Wednesday 24 August 2016

6. They Live in the Moment. Being truly in the moment allows us to escape from adversity and conserve our inner energy. Living in the moment doesn’t mean we don’t care about the past or future. It means that when we make a choice to do something, we focus on solely doing it, rather than letting our mind wander into the future (or the past).

Resilient people are at peace with their humanity. Perhaps it is because their mistakes along the way have humbled them, or life experiences have helped them accept their own vulnerability, 

Có, tôi luôn tin vào định mệnh. Nó cho tôi sức mạnh mỗi khi gặp khó khăn, tôi vẫn thường tự nhủ: Định mệnh của tôi là phải vậy, tôi phải trải qua thử thách này, nếu tôi vượt qua nó tôi sẽ nhận được phần thưởng xứng đáng. 

Cuộc sống ở phương Tây vất vả hơn ở Việt Nam nhiều, nhất là khi có con nhỏ. Tuy nhiên người phương Tây có thói quen tự lập nên họ không thấy đó là khó khăn. Bởi sinh ra và lớn lên ở Việt Nam nên tôi có điều kiện so sánh khi sống ở phương Tây. Mọi dịch vụ, nhân công ở đây đều đắt đỏ nên người ta phải tự làm hết, ngoài giờ làm việc họ tự rửa xe, tự cắt cỏ, tự sơn phết nhà cửa. Tôi sinh con ở Thụy Sỹ nên không có ai bên cạnh, mọi việc cũng phải tự làm hết, mổ đẻ xong về nhà là tự nấu ăn, dọn dẹp vệ sinh, giặt giũ, chăm con. Nói chung không có nhiều sự giúp đỡ và dịch vụ sẵn có như ở Việt Nam. 

You’d much rather fail at doing things your way than succeed while being a people-pleaser.

1. You don’t yell or become easily angry.

Even in the harshest stress factors, you choose to stay calm and you try to handle situations smoothly. You feel that by raising your voice, you’re lowering yourself.

You apologize when necessary.

You know well when you’ve made a mistake and you apologize, not worrying about losing face. You are aware that by apologizing, you’ll be the bigger person.

It’s not as if you get bored easily but staying put gives you no exposure nor do you learn. You move outside that comfort zone to experience change and fun along with it.

22. You do not blame circumstances on extrinsic things.

You take everything into consideration and you know that blaming something that’s beyond your control is useless and silly.

23. You use your time wisely.

Going around wasting your time is a big “NO” for you. So you choose to spend that time productively so that others along with you can benefit.

17. You know that persistence pays off.
You have a strong will power which doesn’t let you give up on things you really want. You keep persisting until you know success is at your doorstep.

18. You find ways around any obstacle.

You keep trying and you don’t stop until you’ve achieved that target. Giving up just isn’t your thing, but looking for alternatives is.

You refrain from expectations on others.

You don’t expect anything in return when you go the extra mile for someone. You have always been selfless.

You don’t limit your thoughts to just superficial matters

You don’t just see things as they are. You look deep into matters and you read into things before drawing a conclusion.

You are open to feedback.
You are not afraid to voice your opinion; neither are you afraid to take other’s opinions or feedback, whether they’re negative or positive. You rather welcome it so you can learn.

“An evolved man wants a woman who won’t change to be with him, who mostly doesn’t give two sheets what other people think about her, including even him.”

She isn’t arrogant; she just knows who she is and doesn’t need to prove that she has the right to live however she desires.

An evolved man longs to see his woman radiant and genuinely happy. If she isn’t thrilled about her everyday life, he won’t be, either. Not because she’s responsible for his feelings (she’s not), but because the second best gift she could ever give him is her own authentic happiness

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