Wednesday 31 August 2016

Be friends with life. Remember that the world is not out to get you and it does not punish you. You do that to yourself. Learning to focus on other opportunities or in another direction can give you some perspective.

Deal with your fears. Overcoming fear makes you stronger, and being a little scared can make you better. You want to have butterflies; you just want them flying in formation. It helps to understand and admit your fears. Then you can kick them to the curb.

Feel good about yourself, no matter what life brings. Know that each time you wake up, you have another chance to make things better. Don't waste it.

Make it a point that you allocate a certain amount of time each day for yourself to do things you love. Paying attention to yourself has been proven to improve self-esteem and feelings of self worth.

each tries to fill the void that comes with being deprived of meaningful connection.

how do people form and maintain meaningful connections? An effective remedy is to communicate affection. When we kiss, hug, hold hands, and tell people that we love them we strengthen the bonds that are essential for our social needs.

It is no surprise that loneliness feels bad and affection feels good. Close, positive relationships ward off feeling lonely. By sharing affection, we help ourselves and to whom we are close to live healthier, more satisfying lives."

Unless you've experienced it — unless you know what true, deep, painful loneliness is like — you don't get it.

It's not something you know until you've experienced it, and it's hard to describe. But it actually hurts to be lonely. It's an ache in your chest, a heaviness that you can't shake, a longing that only the touch of another person can soothe.

5. Focus on the needs and feelings of others, the less attention on your lonely thoughts and feelings. I can walk down the street thinking about myself, my loneliness and the hopelessness of it all, staring at the sidewalk and sighing to myself. Or I can walk down the street grateful for the diversity of people I get to share the 
sidewalk with, silently wishing them good health and good fortune, and smiling at each person I meet. The latter is more fun, even though I sometimes have to remind myself to do it on purpose.

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