Tuesday 30 August 2016

It's not important who has a big car or who is slimmer than you, what matters is how you as an individual are growing everyday - break your own record each day. That is all that matters, trying to be someone else can never be the aim of your life because it'll do you no good even if you manage to achieve it

Try adventures that you can later flaunt about even 'trying'. You've got to learn something each day of your life, life is not easy but taking the easy way out does not teach you anything.  Living the hard way is the way to live.

If life were that easy, would it be worth living? No. It's a curveball that life throws at you in phases; sometimes it's good, sometime's it's bad but the good part is, they are always alternate, that is, good comes after bad or bad comes after good. Whenever you feel sorry for yourself, a minute is added to the time before the good side of the curveball comes to you. So, take something out of your bad phase - take some strength, realise the importance of feeling content and SMILE.

You can't be happy always in life, nobody is. It's okay to have a bad day or a bad phase but it's not okay to hide your feelings inside. Shed some tears - howl if you want to - it's healthy. Take out all the sadness from your system and wait for good things to happen soon. Remember the curveball?

Nobody else has the power to take over your life, only you do. If you go on blaming others for all your troubles, that just means you're running away from your own responsibilities and that will always keep you one step away from taking charge of your own life because IT'S YOURS.

Your loved ones don't need an explanation, they need you to be YOU and do whatever comes to your mind because they know your every move.

It's okay to fall in love, in fact it's the best thing in the world, but losing yourself in the process is not cool and you won't ever be able to forgive yourself for that. You have needs and you may have a passion too - never give those up just because you have other priorities now. It's good to care for other people but do not forget that you're special too and nobody can take care of that more than you yourself.

You're at a place at a point for a reason. Be thankful to God that you have the kind of life you do because look around and you'll know many people don't even have that. If you have 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 ears, a nose and a mouth - just know you're blessed. Cherish whatever you have today, at this point, instead of missing what you don't have because you never had it, then how can you miss it?

It's not the easiest path you choose and you are definitely not the only person who's facing issues in life. But only those people who do not turn their backs to their problems and take up the risk of walking on that path, are the ones who are successful because this is exactly that defines their personality in the future. And therefore, it's worth the time, effort AND the risk.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is difficult but all great opportunities need you to do just that. So, be prepared even if you have to really push yourself - push yourself hard and get ready to face great, grand challenges in life.

Neuroscience provides a deeper understanding of how brain processes generate needs for relatedness, autonomy, and competence that can be satisfied by the successful pursuit of love, work, and play. Such satisfaction yields happiness, but even the pursuit is enough to give life meaning.

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