Sunday 6 July 2014

enough drama

 Stephanie Klimek 

If you're tired of drama in your life, just quit being the actor.

 Nishan Panwar 

 Kiara Sellars

DRAMA doesn't just come into your life. You Will Either... Invite it into YOUR life, Create it in YOUR life or Surround yourself with people who love to bring it into your life!

 Mia Lugo 

If you want to know something, ask and don't assume. That's how drama starts.

 Nikhil Saluja 

Gossiping always results in false allegations made and over exaggeration of events, leading to unnecessary drama and conflict...I personally feel the best way to keep the harmony, confrontation must be practiced.

 Isaiah Harden

 MJ Korvan 

People who say they dont like drama are usually the ones dragging it out, if you hate drama then fix the problem.

Drama doesn't just walk into your life out of nowhere, you either create it, invite it, or associate with people that bring it.

 Melchor Lim

 Isaiah Harden

 Jack Lemmon 

If you bring nothing but drama to the table, don't be surprised if everyone else gets up and leaves.

If there seems to be drama wherever you go, consider the fact that YOU might be the one bringing it!

There would be a lot less drama if people learned how to talk to each other instead of talking about each other.

Turn up the music and turn down the drama.

When DRAMA calls hit the DECLINE button.

The amount of times you say you hate drama is directly proportional to the amount of times that you actually start it.

 Mario Tomasello 

Logging on to Facebook in the morning is like saying; Here! Have a bowl of drama to start your day off. It provides unbalanced friendships and a terrible source of depression

If a girl says, 'I hate drama,' there is a 99% chance she is a huge drama queen.

I can see that you're upset...Maybe you should post about it all over Facebook. That should eliminate any drama.

You just got to live your life not caring what they think, shake off the drama and prove to them your better than they think you are.

There is so much drama on Facebook, I'm surprised that they don't have an reunion show!

Drama free, worry free. That's the way I wanna be.

 Hussein Nishah

 Albert Einstein 

 Zig Ziglar 

 Ann Landers 

 Ann Landers

 Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

 Wayne Dyer

 Zig Ziglar

 Muhammad Ali 

 Benjamin Franklin

 G M Trevelyan

 Vance Havner

 Reba McEntire

 Frank Crane

 Ogden Nash 

 Abraham Lincoln 

Pierre De Beaumarchais

 George Clooney 

 Joan Rivers 

 Groucho Marx

Middle age is when you're old enough to know better but still young enough to do it.

Joesph Roux

 Matthew Perry

 Hannah Arendt 

 Margaret Thatcher 

 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quotes  

 Helen Keller quotes  


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